Hello everyone, I’m Principal Queeny, 11 years old, and also the founder of GAGA monster.
During the COVID, I fell in love with slime. I started buying different materials to experiment with and even used my dad’s shaving foam! We bought slimes and materials online from all over the world, but I found that most of them weren’t safe. I have serious allergies on my hands, so I decided to create my own. After finishing my homework, I always went to my little lab and worked with my dad to create safe slime recipes.
After 18 months of experimenting, we finally started GAGA monster in April 2022. Now, with my parents' help, we have 6 stores and teach kids how to make their own slime using our safe materials.
The most important thing is you don’t have to worry about our slime sticking to your hair or clothes! It can dissolve with just warm water, so it’s super easy to clean up!"
I really hope kids all over the world can have fun with GAGA monster! Let’s make safe and very cool slime together!"
大家好,我是校長Queeny,今年11歲,也是GAGA monster的創辦人喔!
經過18個月的努力,我們終於在2022年4月創立了GAGA monster!在我爸媽的幫助下,我們已經開了6間店,在店裡面教小朋友如何用我們安全的材料來做自己的史萊姆。
有一件最重要的事情,就是我們的史萊姆完全不用擔心會黏住頭髮和衣服,它只要用溫水就可以溶解而且超級好清潔唷!我真的很希望全世界的小朋友都能和我們的GAGA monster一起玩!讓我們一起做安全又酷的史萊姆吧!